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Oct. 21, 2013
Town of Princeton, Mass.  --  BOARD OF SELECTMEN  -- October 21, 2013
6:00 PM  Open Meeting  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

Old Business
For the Town Administrator annual review, Stan will collect assessments from the other selectmen and compile data into one report. Any administrative support can be provided by Marie A.

John L. reported on status of the slots casino proposal in Leominster. The developer is The Cordish Co. of Baltimore . The proponent is allowed to designate “surrounding communities” that may be impacted by the project, or abutting communities may appeal to Mass. Gaming Commission to be awarded “surrounding” status. John has spoken with The Cordish Co. and the Mass. Gaming Commission. He will communicate with other communities and suggested that Princeton would support a consensus, if there is one, among the other towns, but he felt Princeton won’t see any real negatives or windfalls and doesn’t need to spend extra time or energy on the issue. A traffic study has reported Princeton traffic would increase by an average ten cars daily.

Neil S. reported that for the ongoing EMS assessment process, the EMS Assessment Committee will meet Oct. 22 at 7:30 a.m. along with Bill Dino and Tim Kelly from the Fire Dept. After that they will convene one more meeting in November if necessary to craft a recommendation.

6:10 PM  John L. outlined a procedure for starting a facilities study and the designer selection. The board voted all in favor to adopt the Designer Selection Procedures and designate the Board of Selectmen as the “approving body.” They then voted all in favor to designate the Town Administrator to act as the BOS agent and execute the procedures and form a committee for conducting a facilities study. Edith M. agreed to serve on the committee.

6:20 PM  The board opened the public hearing for tax classification and John L. reported that the Board of Assessors had not submitted anything and requested a continuation, so the BOS voted all in favor to recess the hearing and continue it at 6:15 p.m. on Nov. 4.

Other Business
The board signed the liquor license for Thirsty Lab, as they had previously voted to approve it.

A Forest Stewardship Grant that will pay up to $1,472 was awarded to Princeton to hire a forester to craft a selective timbering plan for the 70-acre Boylston Park. The deadline is January 15 and John recommended contracting with Tom Sullivan who had done a similar plan in 1982. The BOS voted all in favor to appoint Tom Sullivan to conduct a forestry stewardship review using the grant funds received for this project.

Neil S. reported that the local Webelos II troop had spent time last week clearing the trailhead at Krashes Field.

Stan M. gave a brief report including some technical details from the Broadband Committee.

Warrants and Minutes
6:30 PM Selectmen reviewed and signed Vendor and Payroll Warrants: FY14 # 8
and voted all in favor to approve minutes for Oct. 7

6:40 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  EMS proposals from J. Bennett; Town Administrator annual review form; report from developer and news articles regarding slots casino proposal in Leominster

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department